Get Started With PeakValley Counselling

Thank you for your interesting in accessing services with PeakValley Counselling.

Please read the following and then fill out the Referral Form.

Step 1 of 10

Confidentialty Agreement

Please know that all communication and records related to your service are kept confidential. Anything discussed during your sessions will not be shared with anyone. I will not disclose any of your personal information without your permission, however, legal limits will apply to confidentiality, such as:

  • If you pose a threat to yourself or to others - I am required by law to disclose that information in order to help keep yourself and others safe
  • If you disclose abuse of a vulnerable person such as a child or elderly - I am required by law to disclose that information
  • If subpoenaed, I am required to provide any and all information to the court of law

Also, if I am required to disclose any information to a family member, friend, or outside agency, I will obtain your signed consent. At times, you may ask me to provide information to others, such as your family physician or to an insurance company. I will release that information with your signed consent.

If we happen to see each other in a public space, please know that I will not acknowledge that we know each other unless you do so first. The context of our relationship will not be disclosed by me.

A client file will be created from the date of our first session and will be kept for five(5) years from the date of our last session at which time it will then be destroyed. Your records are confidential and will be maintained in a secure location according to ethical guidelines.

Please know that if you do not feel our therapeutic relationship is a good fit, it is a safe place for you to acknowledge this and I will help connect you to other counsellors who may be a better fit. If I feel that I am unable to provide you the care you need, I will again help connect you to a counsellor that may be better suited.